Intimate Access Logo
Sex work, disability justice and mutual aid


(Please Read Carefully) 

This is not an emergency fund funds will not be distributed on an emergency basis.

Please check our Instagram for application updates.

We are a small, peer-led, donation-based mutual aid collective based in “Victoria, BC”.  As a collective, we do not profit from this. All contributions made to the fund and expenses are publicly available on Open Collective.

This fund is available to sex workers living on “Vancouver Island, British Columbia.”

The fund is accessible to all sex workers, in any type of sex work, while applications from the most marginalized sex workers (chronically-ill, disabled and medically high-risk, low-income, unhoused/unstably-housed, outdoor, youth, migrant, QT/BIPOC workers) will be prioritized.

We prioritize first time requests. When we have surplus funds,  we strive to give some amount to 2nd & 3rd time applicants, but this is dependent on request volume with priority going to multiply marginalized, criminalized, in person workers.

If you or someone you know would benefit from applying but are unable to complete the online application, please download a copy of the form here.




Sex workers can apply to one of the following tiers:

  • 3x $200 grant
  • 3x $100 grants
  • 3x $50 grants

for as long as there are funds available. Once there is not enough in the fund, verified applicants will be placed on a waitlist. If you’ve applied once, and were not the recipient of a grant, and are deemed eligible, you will be placed on a waitlist.

Funding is limited, so please be aware that not every request can be fulfilled. We provide cash if preferred (applicant pickup in Victoria).



For verification, we accept ads, work websites, SW social media accounts, screenshots of messages with clients, or a vouch from a mutual member of our community who we know and trust.

We understand that it is often not easy for everyone to come up with verification of their involvement in the industry and we are working on finding more ways to make these funds accessible.

Verification that you are the intended recipient of these funds and not someone who is using someone else’s ads/social media or an individual we have already assisted very recently. We may ask you to join a video chat and/or send a brief video or a quick selfie to confirm that you are you (we will request this follow up verification on a case by case basis).



Your digital security and privacy is our priority. We do our best to do preemptively limit any harms of breaches by following industry best practices:

– All requests for support will be reviewed by 2 collective members.

– All information shared is kept confidential by our collective. We may use demographic information collected for political or fundraising purposes, but any identifiable information will be removed.

– Our “Request Support Form” is encrypted and its data is securely stored on a private server in Canada, accessible only to our collective members. We do not store any additional identifying data such as your IP address. We do not use Google Analytics or any other tracking scripts on the site. Form submissions are immediately moved to an offsite server, and screening info is cleared after users have been approved. We use Google Firebase solely to verify that phone numbers are active and valid.

– Applicants will never be able to see other applicant’s data. We only temporarily store phone numbers and email, but no other personally identifiable info.

– Collective members are required to use all available security features, including strong passwords and 2 Factor authentication.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your information, please contact us by email.

Thank you to SWAID, DecrimSexWorkCARouge Support Network for guidance on creating this application.

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