Intimate Access Logo
Sex work, disability justice and mutual aid



To reduce spam we ask that you verify your phone number via text message. Please use the printable version of the form if this does not work for you.

Age group(Required)
We accept applications from people living and working on Vancouver Island & the Southern Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada.
If you don't have a work website, online ads, or SW social media accounts, please include any screenshots of messages with clients, or any other relevant screenshots that will help us verify your work status. Please remove any personally identifiable information.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 8.
    Contact details for a vouch from from a mutual member of our community who we know and trust
    Check as many of the following that apply to you(Required)
    Which fund are you applying to?(Required)
    How would you like to receive funds?(Required)

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